Kelly Fritsch: Houston’s Premier Family Law Attorney

Jury Trials for Family Law Cases
in Houston, TX
In Texas, several family law cases can be decided by a jury. While jury trials for family matters are rare, hiring an experienced litigation attorney can help the process run smoothly. A jury trial can be an appropriate choice when a divorce dispute regards the facts of the case. Kelly Fritsch has years of experience with jury trials for family law issues and can assist you with the knowledge needed for these unique cases.
Why Choose a Jury Trial For Your Case
Pursuing a jury trial is a major decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. While you may think a jury trial is a good idea, we recommend talking with a knowledgeable lawyer who can assess the strategy of this decision. We’ve seen jury trials have success in cases with relocation, defining community property, temporary order issues, or questionable mental health professional analysis. Our team can help you determine the best course of action for your desired results.
Family Law Expertise
Kelly Fritsch has expertise in the varying legal issues related to child support cases in Texas, including:
Jury Trials FAQs
For a jury trial to occur, it must be requested. Family law issues with a jury trial include conservatorship/child custody, asset valuation, a child’s primary residence, and the imposition of geographic restrictions for a family residence.
Adoption, child support, property division, visitation, paternity, and spousal maintenance are decided by a judge, not a jury trial.
Most courts require specific pre-jury-trial procedures, such as exchanging exhibit and witness lists and a pretrial hearing. Once a jury is selected, your jury trial will begin. To reach a verdict, 10 of the 12 jurors must agree on all issues. Finally, the judge will either make a ruling or request additional evidence and information. With an experienced family law attorney by your side, you’ll be confident and informed at each step of the way.